Monday, October 20, 2008

Random Me-ness

1) i love plants. i've a schefflera arboricola i named "cleo"­ & a rubber plant who's named "spike"­

2) i HATE peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.

3) i think jet li is the most graceful man-ever

4) i promised someone i would be fluent in swedish by year's end (fat chance!)

5) i'm often impulsive-ju­mp-in-with-b­oth-feet kinda person

6) i love to cook (and eat! ) 7) my breast size is...... gotcha! (not that anyone actually reads this drivel anyways)

8) i'm would date Duff or Guy Fieri in a heartbeat!

9) i LOOOOVE Oreo Mcflurry's-t­he only thing mc'd'ks has going for them

10) i eat apples with lemon juice & salt

11) i still talk to 3 of my ex boyfriends at least once a week (in a VERY platonic way) of them named his daughter after me (cos he wants her to have my sweet personality.­.hahaha) 12) i hate my's wild, untamed & drives me nuts everyday!

13) I'M COMING OUT NOW!!!! i love watching UFC (ultimate fighting championship­s)..i'm addicted to it..i've been to 2 fights..and hope to see more in the future. randy couture is still my guy. though BJ Penn, GSP and forrest griffin kick ass, too! this is the non-cerebral­ly stimulating part of me.

14) i can't carry a tune, even if it were in my purse.

15) i absolutely LOVE shoes, i have waaaaaay too many that would probably never be used, poor things.

16) i walk barefoot around the house unless it's winter.

I could think of more to make it an even 20...but I can hear a fly buzzing around..and it's driving me crazy! So I may (more than likely, not) update this later.

Friday, October 03, 2008

That Inner Voice

So I wondered if people read to themselves out loud? Unless asked to, I usually don't. I was horrified to found myself reading in a Sarah Palin voice, all HER interviews & comments. :O I never realized I did that. And not only that..having­ come across a Paris Hilton dumbopinion,­ I cringed to "hear"­ myself reading it in a Paris Hilton voice! What an awful thing to learn about oneself! Have I always done this? Why, all of a sudden, am I just realizing this? This is worse than inner monologue (where I actually only hear my own voice)..this­ is like freaky multiple personality scary. What next..Ben & Jerry voices urging me to, "Go ahead, eat the whole pint!" NO, I didn't do it..the chubby hippies made me..I heard it echoing through the spoon. Possession is looming around the corner. :(

PS. Ian (a British friend) sez I sound like Sarah Palin!! :O I do not!! haha