Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I'm a Winner! (Thank you

I love craft sites, sewing sites..especially the open source ones. I love the generosity of the EXTREMELY creative people in them who happily share their talents & teach their skills with all of us. They're a constant source of inspiration, fascination & awe.

One of these sites is...

I've been a member for a few months now...mostly as a lurker. I don't have a lot of online time like I would want to..but what I do, I spend part of it there. It's a lot of fun & chockful of ideas..not to mention..FREE patterns!

They have contests all the time & each one is as interesting as the one before. They have giveaways, too. This Christmas, they had a Singer Curvy sewing machine giveaway. Coincidentally, I was reading about this particular machine the week before, as I was debating on getting a new machine. All you had to do was post a comment..and voila, you're entered.

So, I did, along with hundreds of other hopefuls. On the 29th of December, I opened my email, cup of tea in "You wont the Singer Curvy giveaway..." *gasp* Sounded too good to be true..and being the skeptic that I am, I emailed Alden Davis, the marketing/PR diva. And sure 'nuff, I won!! Only then did I allow myself a belated scream!

Thank you to the wonderful crew at Burdastyle for this awesome Christmas prezzie..and thank you, Singer! I can't wait for the machine to get here..and caress it for a while..before actually using it. We have to have "our" time before I put her to work!

Friday, January 02, 2009

2008..the Good, the Bad & the Nauseating

Goodbye to the old gal. In with the new, hopefully fabulous year. Summarizing the rather full, arduous year in a few sentences...

I discovered myself. I found out I'm stronger than I had thought myself to be.

I lost weight, gained a wonderful outlook in life & am now a bit of a fitness freak.

I can be obssessed with food, have a great relationship with it, even, without being self-destructive about it. Cook/bake for others..with love. Often. Baked goodies make wonderful presents.

My short attention span has led to the demise of my creativity. Will rehab this in 09.

Gardening is a pleasure that can be shared with someone else. (I had been a lone-gardener, zealously defending my artwork..ha!) Namely my neighbor, Susan, who has helped me pull more weeds, dug more holes & raked more leaves with the enthusiasm of a cheerleader. Hurray!

My kids are getting as tall as I am.

My love for House & Eureka borders on the addicted side.

I colored my daughter's hair the following (sometimes at the same time): teal, pink, fuschia, purple & blazing red..without batting an eyelash. Let her get the upper part of her ear pierced..told her (with fingers crossed, of course), if she wanted to have her nose, eyebrow or lip done..or heck, get a tattoo, I would take her, but she would have to pay for them (she's a notorious spendthrift!). I AM that cool mom!

I love playing Wii. That being said, I'm horrible at almost all the games apart from golf, bowling, tennis & Wario Ware Smooth Moves.

I still hate winter.

I bought Christmas presents to myself without that feeling of gnawing guilt in my stomach.

I can enjoy a nice bottle of mojito without overdoing it. And become philosophical-but-not-annoyingly-so-you're-hella-funny-Steff-you-should-drink-more..and let my hair down.

I lived through another year with all my limbs intact, my faith in human nature tarnished-but-still-present, only flipping off other motorists less than 20 times (not bad for a WHOLE year) & strengthened my relationship with family & friends.

I can't wait to take 2009 on.