So snowed today..barely an inch, really. I was still excited, though..the first snow always does that to me..then by the time it's knee-deep, it's like..Dangit! When's summer getting here already??? Dragged my tired azz to bed about 4ish, after a night of drunken debauchery..ok, not really (unless one counts mooning your bestfriend as something salacious :P) & frantic OCD-cleaning after..anyhoo, that stupid alarm went off too soon (5:30..yeah, I'm an idiot)..and since I strategically placed it on top of the tv, 15 ft away, I couldn't roll over & shut the bleeping thing off..had to get up..and all it took was 4 measly steps to wake me up (cursed with some insane hyperactivity). *yawn* Looked out & whoo..snowing! I dragged the protesting dog out, and stood there with my mouth open..trying to catch flakes..belatedly realizing..what if!?!?!? :O Like I do every year. Still some childhood traditions are just soooo dang hard to break..and you stick your tongue out, throwing all caution to the wind..think, "pure mountain spring water". Works like a charm everytime. My tongue didn't get burned or anything..and the flakes really did taste like water. Yey me! The doggie was looking up at me like, "What a crazy woman. Now go fetch my food!" Sooo, I grudgingly went back in..called my friend, Mark (who was out at the bacchanalia with me), "Heeeeey, guess what? It's snowing..look out the window." I think he called me a few bad words & hung up on me. Thank God for speed dial.."Hey, Shauntay..have you been out yet?" I don't know, it was all incoherent babble..and I think I heard a guy's voice, too! :O What the hell did I miss last night??? *sigh* I thought it would be a futile thing to keep doing..spreading the joys of snow. So I went my camera out..and took a couple of pics..I was hoping for some critters would come out & start playing in the snow..but pesky things were probably lazy, too. Unfortunately, it didn't snow as there's still some icky winter ground all over..but, this is the midwest..another couple of weeks..and we'll get some nice, white Christmas.
Shot of my small Japanese garden area...
And the pond area...

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