Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why aprons all of a sudden?

I started making aprons..and I love them! I don't know why, but they're soooo addicting. I plan on making more this weekend, too..and more purses. I've been slacking off on sewing..on a month-long hiatus, mainly cos my favorite baby (the Brother XL 6452) has been in the shop..just for a wee tuneup. The fixer-upper guy had been on vacation, so it's been a loooong, long wait. Boohoo. I love my serger, but it's just not the same, as everyone knows.

This is going to be a short post..just to show a couple of the aprons I've made. I can't find the pattern I made the first one from, though...I've already turned my sewing room upside down, inside out. *sad face* I have a feeling it's just sitting somewhere, not the usual place..and smirking.

Without further ado...

Action Shot #1-this is a scrumptious sushi fabric I got 50% off last Thanksgiving at Joann Fabrics, just screamed APRON ME!

Action Shot # 2 (with my daughter doing some weird camera stuff-she loves artsy-fartsy stuff, that I'm clueless about!)

The second one..yummy dessert fabrics..I think I got this at Joann's, too..I can't remember (old age). This was easy..all I did was cut a half-round pattern on the fabric, added a contrasting fabric (cut on the bias) for the hem..this is my favorite!

And lastly...a summery confection. With the weather soooo almost like arctic winter around here, I was just dying to make something that reminded me of cooking out (BBQ'ing), laying around in the hammock..and all the summery goodness!

Enjoy your week, everyone! Have a lovely weekend, too!


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